

This is your feed for the Movie Nominations for O-Hill's movie night. If you have ideas for the list, feel free to DM

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It seems since the last time we had on the list more have come around. There is certainly more available. are coming

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Although the Principle is the same in the first 3 the treatment of each is differnt without losing the theme. But I like the at the end

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ANd that brings us to grab those and settle in while the Universe swirls around you and it will be Don't today!

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has always been an eyeful. But with the advent of CGI they have produced some visually stunninf movies to go with the pioneered by films. This set is reflective of those advances including the last

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I just love the in this set. the lower left shows how striking simple can be and the last shows just how Ominous dark can be.

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showed a lot of variety. But search the and you will see an even greater diversity as the Kinder Gentler

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like only has 1 [with and 1 variant [without Space Guns]. But a movie like this tends to generate a lot of like this Poster

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