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Satire makes for some great #MoviePosters and #SpinalTap is no exception their even funnier if you have seen it before! #AprilsFools #MoviePaster #Mockumentary #Movienight #TheShowMustGoOn #BreakLiketheWind
Had to include another example of #FanArt in this set but you gotta love the variety of Looks in this #MoviePoster set #RaisingArizona #AprilsFools #NicholasCage #HollyHunter #JohnGoodman #Movienight
The Last one in this set is a bit of #FanArt But the other 3 #MoviePoster are but a small % of what's out there. #ThePinkPanther really is one of the #BestComediesEver #PeterSellers #BlakeEdwards #SirCharlesLytton #ThePhantom #AprilsFools #Movienight
Another film with lots of looks on the #PromoMaterials
worth an image search but here are 4 good examples.
#FanArt #JupiterAscending #MoviePosters #Movienight #Ascendant #InternationalWomensMonth #MilaKunis #TheFutureofMan
This is just a small smattering of #MoviePosters for #Troy from an image search is also a lot of #MovieArt to find there as well #Movienight #MoviePoster #MovieTrailers #TrojanHorse #Achilles #Odyseus #Hector We'll always have #Paris
As with all other #Cutlist Choices this week #Mulan has some great #MovieArt. This is version is a far sight better than the #1998AnimatedMulan and it shows in the #MoviePosters #Ascendant #InternationalWomensMonth #Movienight
#Spartacus has a wide variety of #MovieArt on the #MoviePosters. This just a smattering #Movienight #IamSpartacus #KirkDouglas #LawerenceOlivier #TonyCurtis #VivalaRevolucion
#OfficeSpace has a Resonance in #1990sCulture. It is easy see why this set is 75% #MovieArt and #FanArt. but #Movienight gives it's due to the #MarketingDepartment's official Prom effort
a Must see if #WorksGotYouDown. #MoviePosters #Labor
#MarlonBrando led the cast for #OntheWaterfront but the film was also a great vehicle for Actress #EvaMarieSaint & #KarlMalden #MoviePosters #Labor #InternationalMoviePosters #Movienight #FanArt #EIliaKazan
Just two designs in these #MoviePosters But the Photo of a svelte #JamesEarlJones photo and a #FanProducedPoster fills this set out #RichardPryor #Movienight #MovieTrailers #RichardPryorFilmFestival