

One-man army | I like suffering, so I make (and rarely finish any) 3D things with #GameMaker | Header & avatar by @stefscribbles

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is just the comfiest piece of nonsense

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I doodled a tank in and when I changed the palette texture I was using it accidentally ended up being fucking radical (?!?!) The colours are from 's palette

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Dynamic shadows with crude cascaded shadow maps, working but not yet perfect. Last 2 pics show a comparison with shadows vs without.

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And of course "Kniggit", a super lofi 3d hack-slash game (still available on my https://t.co/7l4GzbxBAi page), strongly inspired by 's stuff

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Here's a quick edit to the shader, apllying normal maps directly to the geometry lighting

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Not much progress lately due to work, but started implementing gear & made some hud changes. Hopefully I'll get to work on it more this week.

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Improved level generation and added the ability to create secret rooms. Still buggy as heck but the basics are working.

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Turns out my laptop really doesn't like recording games. Added rudimentary chests&pickups and variable weapon damage and tweaked level building a little. Currently trying out 8 different palettes.

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Started working on ranged sub-weapons and added a few new enemies!

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