Ogre Pixel 🚀 A Tiny Sticker Tale out PC, NSwitch!さんのプロフィール画像

Ogre Pixel 🚀 A Tiny Sticker Tale out PC, NSwitch!さんのイラストまとめ

Creating Fantasy Stories into Video Games 🎮 A Tiny Sticker Tale out now on NSwitch, Steam! 👉 ogrepixel.com 🌟 Discord 👉 discord.me/ogrepixel

フォロー数:832 フォロワー数:10585

Hey please help us by choosing the 3 best looking wizards from the image! Those are from upcoming game! =D

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Just pushed a Defenders beta to iOs and Android updates 😊

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This is special! We want to show something we are working on (still a 😊 what do you think?

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We are working right now in a daily challenge for Defenders! 😀

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Hey! check this Defenders made by a fan, It's Corlin Ironwood the archer! 😀

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ya subimos el cambio, en una hora mas o menos se muestra correctamente, gracias 😉

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Working on the 3rd Defenders mercenary, what do you think about this minotaur? =0

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