

just a devil with love to spare
West Virginia Artist

フォロー数:270 フォロワー数:312

I had a dream about the lion and the unicorn rhyme only my brain took it a step farther and they had a deadbeat son so i instantly woke up to doodle him and now its 330am

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actually it seems most of my anatomical drawings were flagged. shit. damn. they got me good. take me to gay lady organ jail, coppers.

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*chanting* teeth teeth teeth teeth!

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Lord bless the concept artists who are trying to make these characters stand out stylistically. Hopefully someday the game will reflect your work better. I'm root'n for ya. Hype for the character but i also totally understand the fatigue of a another soft faced lady type.

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Enforcer: The toughest of the group. They act as a protector for the others as well as seeing that no one gets into too much trouble. Unfortunately they also have narcolepsy

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Leader: the founder of their small community
Hotheaded and excitable, it takes some convincing to earn her trust but once you have it she's fiercely protective

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I had an idea for a comic centered around a group of devil girls (and one boy and one NB) that lived in a scrapyard and created their own community, helping eachother and making the best out of their trash home

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ANYTHING by Winnie Truong (sorry for being bad at twitter)

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The day all proud mountaineers said "FUCK the confederacy"
We are the real children of rebellion
Always fight for what is right! Fight so that you, and others can be free!
Montani Semper Liberi

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Kids can capture such a beautiful, raw, weird power in their art. I want to give them all awards

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