Oisín McGannさんのプロフィール画像

Oisín McGannさんのイラストまとめ

Pronounced 'Uh-Sheen'. Writer and illustrator of all sorts of things. See my work at oisinmcgann.com. He/him. Now on Bluesky at @oisinmcgann.bsky.social.

フォロー数:2673 フォロワー数:3361

Hi. I'm a children's writer and illustrator, living in Ireland. It's a small market, so I grew up having to produce art in any style that would pay. It's worked out in the long run, as I use different styles for different kinds of stories.

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Still my only book published in the Irish language. In a quirk of publishing, 'The Goblin of Tara', or 'Arracht na Teamhrach' was originally released by the Scottish publisher , who then sold the Irish language rights to An tAisaonod in Northern Ireland.

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I live in Ireland. It's a small market and it's rare to get enough work to make a living, illustrating in just one style.

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A private commission, from 2001.

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When The Harvest Tide Project, the first book I wrote, was released in 2004, did a set of collector cards of the main characters as part of the promotion for it. This was the artwork I produced for them. These were painted quite small, smaller than A6, I think.

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However, my interests were veering away from comics towards my other ambition; creating children’s books. At no point did I make the decision not to pitch for comics work any more, I just assumed I’d get back to it at some point, when I had some time . . . and I never did.

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More old work. Illustration doesn't always need a fancy finish. When I worked in the advertising and design firm back in London, from '98-2002, this simple, pen and wash cartoon style proved useful for a few different accounts.

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Some more old artwork. Back in 1999-2002, when I worked as an art director and copy writer in a small advertising and design firm in London, we produced a trade magazine that included nature articles, which I got to write and illustrate.

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