Ghost in the HTMLさんのプロフィール画像

Ghost in the HTMLさんのイラストまとめ

2024 Hugo Award Finalist
Black Nerd Problems: Essays on @gallerybooks
Culture critic, content creator, Arakko liaison
Runs Social media for @blknrdproblems

フォロー数:840 フォロワー数:9116

Never be afraid to be vocal bout your passions/faves. The biggest honor was writing mad essays on how great is and finding out my favorite character, Green Poncho, was named "Omar" after me thanks to .... ANYTHING IS POSSIBLEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

57 239

Bought and all i wanted was 's 'Rebel Heart' theme. I just wanted to hear that banger for my entrance music and the soundtrack ON REPEAT! That's all I wanted. ALL I NEEDED!

They only gave this man his The Way entrance song (which goes off) and I...

1 12

I'm Pro-Steve Rogers till Scott Summers steps in the room. Cyclops would get in that man's shit and i was always there for it. The fuck you come to an island of mutants making demands? ? NAAAAAH DAWG

4 12

Deathstroke stepped to 7 Justice League members dolo and took'em all down. To this DAY, I ain't seen a Green Lantern get embarrassed like Slade did Kyle Rayner. Most powerful weapon in the universe and Slade PALMED THAT SHIT like a basketball. I woulda handed in my resignation

3 12

The Stump Kids Crew got on LOOOOOOOOCK. No one is touching Craig of The Creek. This show operating on a different level

3 24

. season 4 got Omar going through the epilogue of the Hero's Journey. He's no longer the Green Poncho with hair in his face, hood up, and brooding. Now his character development is outside of a persona while still paying homage to it. I Love this for the kid!

12 79

I always think about how Jaime Reyes should have the notoriety of Miles Morales in DC Comics. Jaime debuted 2 years before Miles w/ a unique story but the New 52 reboot squandered the setup in place for his character. Jaime should be DC's Miles (art by )

54 179

Hajime No Ippo is the most feel-good and heartbreaking manga at the same time. This series gets JUMPING in the manga man, I can't even begin to explain just how hard this series goes in the heartfelt then Ivan Drago / Bane breaks you...repeatedly

2 11

I never get tired of saying this, durag cross the face Daredevil is peak Daredevil. Whenever he retrains himself or feels lost, mans ALWAYS goes back to the durag over the face like when he first started. Anytime you see Durag DD you know this man GOIN' THROUGH IT!

31 173

Nice to know with all that X-Men things going on Wakanda is like ,"Krakoa, Rocky Balboa, ayatollah of rock and rolla, what the fuck ever. We ain't impressed."

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