

Currently 33 years old. Artist who has been trying to do more with her art. I also really love cats.

Closed for commissions.

Will block anyone under 18+.

フォロー数:476 フォロワー数:1542

Here's Bob! There's more to them, but you get the gist.

2 5

Finally got around to doing Hannah's character sheet. Bob's next and shouldn't be too hard.

2 8

Thank you everyone for following me through this month! It has been quite a ride! I had fun getting this done!

Al certainly enjoyed himself! He says he might do this again if it ever comes up!

2 2

Nom'vember- Chocolate.

My own addition. How many truffles could fit on the cake?

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Nom'vember- French Toast

My own addition. Al's gonna want more toast to clean up the syrup.

2 1

Nom'vember- Pizza Friday Electric Boogaloo

My own addition. When one pizza Friday isn't enough.

2 1

Nom'vember- Parfait.

My own addition. Something light before the big day.

2 2

Nom'vember- Barbeque

Al always gets the skewers with the most food on them.

2 3

Nom'vember- Espresso

My own addition. Sometimes you need a small drink or a dozen to get through your meal.

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Nom'vember- Ice Cream

Need more egg waffle drawings.

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