

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Glasgow's own Illustrator... 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 #MHHSBD Made in Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Grieving the loss of my beautiful wife, Susie.

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with today’s further extension of restrictions my main source of income ( which the government closed in March) is not likely to open this year. It seems my family should pay the price for the people who don’t follow the rules.

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I’m nearly skint and I see the surgeon on Friday about a wee operation but apart from that and shedding 18lbs in 4 weeks..apart from that ..I’m doing alright🤔😂😂 How are you?

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I’m away to bed. You folks play nice... If you can’t play nice Play Monopoly...bit don’t cheat..we know you and yer sleeves full of £100 orange notes..
here’s a pair of gutties with added chalk lines. 2 twists and they are bust.


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Why are the Police not looking into this? They actively pursued herd immunity.

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At every turn they have made an erase of it. I suspect the vast sums of taxpayers money being gifted to Tory chums new companies... will see them all in jail at some point.

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Now U.K. wide, hospital admission with is on a comparative trajectory to the first wave. To all the Lobbyists MPs, rotten media outlets and Politicians and political parties who forced the 2meter rule to be reduced, They are responsible for wave 2.

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7 months of spending our savings while every other worker who’s business that the government closed, was given government support. A 2nd class workforce who will ( if there business survives) be asked to pay higher taxes to support everyone else’s bailout.

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Are any of you beautiful people... by any chance... a surgeon or have an O’level equivalent applied surgery certificate? I will even accept a C pass🥺 I cannot eat 1 more dinner then have to suffer the pain after. I will supply the knifes you checkout how to do it on 👍🏻

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Every time I eat ( Now on a strict diet) it feels like this? Mind you the lbs are falling off.

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