

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Glasgow's own Illustrator... 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 #MHHSBD Made in Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Grieving the loss of my beautiful wife, Susie.

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This morning I have made 2 new Christmas card designs. I will post them here soonish👍🏻🤔😳

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When I was starting a migraine ( which used to be very often) my face would slump... and if Someone asked me for a lone of a £

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Today’s restrictions are of no use whatsoever. None, zero, zilch... last night my awesome big brother had a stroke. Tonight I couldn’t even visit him in hospital. At the weekend I was in Glasgow and it was as covid secure as a garden shed with no door. People are fools

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shouty presenter says “Who do you support... HER or Boris Johnson?” This is not normal for a public broadcaster. This is a politically motivated propaganda show. I thought this was supposed to be a Scottish programme?

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Watching the Self employed support debate. The Exchequer Secretary is busy explaining why this shabby government is not supporting 3million self employed. reading between the lines... We could all be crooks. They are washing their hands while we suffer.

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Excellent David... “ What P is both the Prime Minister of the U.K. and catching your finger on a rose thorn?”

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⁩ “How in the name of the wee man?” did we end up with this buffoon and his bunch of 🤪in Government. I wouldn’t trust this mob to guard my shed. Breaking international laws and their full pelt herd immunity cull continues unabated.

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Then you... double deserve it🤔👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻#Relax Glasgow feels like this just now.

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I love this wee illustration of two ladies having a bleather. Talking aboot her up the road “ huv ya seen the Knick of her back stairs?” https://t.co/UWpdMnjfqu

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