P.K. artworks- MAKE COMICS SEXY AGAINさんのプロフィール画像

P.K. artworks- MAKE COMICS SEXY AGAINさんのイラストまとめ

Comics Artist-Dusty Tortillas,GraysKale,DARK AGES
Sometimes, propaganda buster.
Email- [email protected]

フォロー数:827 フォロワー数:687

One of the Biggest features of DARK AGES is that it has the Power to PISS OFF every SJW anywhere in the world.

Get it while u can, with GRAYSKALE,
on IGG- https://t.co/sqwv6n8flu


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Uhh..... yep. I'm a moderate capitalist. Totally not crazy today. Crazy is when I try to debate ppl on twittr.

And I want every1 to buy my SEXy comics- https://t.co/sqwv6n8flu

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Nope. These critics literally used the word "Objectification of Wamen".
That's y I explained, it's BULLSHIT.
And u got butthurtsies, coz u're Milkashake Girls' buttkisser. https://t.co/xXewVETH2a

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Let it be known-
Objectification of WOOOOOMEN is a DIMWIT FUGLY FEMINIST's construct.
Feminists have been using men's pity, for achieving illogical rights OVER MEN, since early 1900s.

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I'm guessing u're looking for a way to get some Mehvel or D-sissy comic jobs. That's gr8, good luck.

However For everybody else,
Our comic GreysKale+Dark Ages is still available at IGG upto September. Back it today!
IGG- https://t.co/sqwv6n8flu

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291 Backers yet, Indemand might close within SEPT

Back GRAYSKALE: the KARMIC Superhero(60 pgs)
+ DARK AGES Ashcan(24 pgs)

IGG- https://t.co/pccfBO2yLe


me &

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