🦖🦕 PixelsOfThePast🦣🦤さんのプロフィール画像

🦖🦕 PixelsOfThePast🦣🦤さんのイラストまとめ

Pixels of the Past Deluxe brings extinct animals back to life in the form of pixelated sprites. INSTAGRAM: @pixels_ofthe_past Created By: @azamatshkleford

フォロー数:889 フォロワー数:2479

Australovenator was a member of a group of dinosaurs known as the Megaraptorans. It may have had flexible arms which may have assisted in hunting for its prey, talk about getting a grasp!

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Eryops was a Temnospondyl amphibian that seemed rather cumbersome! It probably spent a lot of time on land, though they lived near bodies of water.

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Just a small portion of a lot of designs created 😁

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Brachiosaurus towered many other dinosaurs of its time, sporting a giraffe-like neck and being giant! It lived alongside other well-known Jurassic dinosaurs, such as Diplodocus and Stegosaurus.

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Baryonyx had an appetite for fish, and probably lots of it! It also sported a large claw, hence the meaning of its name, “heavy claw”, and was known for its crocodilian appearance.

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Thanks to an upcoming unpublished study, the Dire wolf may not be w true wolf any longer, being closer to South American canids instead. Many people also know about the dire wolf, yet many don’t know that it once existed!

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Pentaceratops sported an impressive frill, which thanks to it may have sported one of the largest skulls of any vertebrate known! We know relatively well about this animal, thanks to plenty of fossil material found.

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Varanus priscus, known popularly as Megalania, was a giant monitor lizard closely related to the famous Komodo dragon! It prowled the Outback hundreds of thousands of years ago, and is currently the largest terrestrial lizard known!

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Neovenator called Cretaceous Britain home, sharing its habitat with an array of other dinosaurs, including Iguanodon and Baryonyx! Recent findings also show possible nerves on its snout, hinting for communication, courtship, or searching for prey.

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