

Just your average Joe trying to make it. Star at selling good #crypto projects too early. One day i'll make it by just holding on to my conviction plays.

フォロー数:41 フォロワー数:2238

Carrot + Muffin ears sick traits you seem READY for

1 2

Here we go! One of my favorite that I played as a kid on 2 - Is "Medal of Honor Rising Sun" I am probably not the only fan! this robots name is Hinata - which is 🥚 🔥

2 10

One of my favorite in the collection is the UFO the "We Believe" trait 🛸!
E.T PHONE HOME 👽 could it be another easter 🥚🔥

7 15

"READY" as in Ready Player One? - Keep on looking for those easter eggs!! Couldn't find a Wade Watts or James Halliday 🤖 They still Rock🥚🔥

5 15

That's such a cool and original idea! Love it. The only thing is I'll be asleep at that time its 2 a.m here. Otherwise would have joined 100% 🤖🍸⏲️

2 6

First Swag has arrived that logo is 🔥 Love the Snapback When can we order those bad boys??

3 6

Next person who finds an unknown easter egg in the collection will win a
Think this can be fun, there can be multiple entries. 1 Winner will be announced in 72H in the comments you can find some examples. 🤖🤟

22 54

Might have found another layer in - The Ace of Spades - Band Of Brothers - Best War Series ever made in my opinion.

17 57