Hank Sharpeさんのプロフィール画像

Hank Sharpeさんのイラストまとめ

artist, scientist, fish (derived)🍉 boxd.it/9yqSj

フォロー数:1369 フォロワー数:12211

All my animals are dead, but I love them anyway

104 551

For since I know was also talking about this a while ago too, here's a handy guide to drawing theropod arms!

387 1416

I decided to paint a fully detailed jungle scene

Just for the hell of it

I spent like 4 hours on the dinosaur and a week on the leaves

hot Twitter artist take: don't do this unless you're getting paid for it

11 152

I’m pretty sure there’s a bakers dozen versions of every year but I’m not complaining

Hi, I’m Henry, I’m an artist, undergrad paleo student, and I very often make stupid decisions

172 781

Thinking about the last time I drew a pachycephalosaur, and how I've pretty much pulled an uno reverse on what represents evidence-based speculation

17 202

oh to be a herbivore surrounded by plant

26 152

1-day portrait of T. rex, first time I've painted it in years. Seeing the awesome new Blue Rhino Sue got me really excited, I felt the need to put down all my ideas on virtual canvas

205 968

Fossil plants are an informative and super cool topic for artists, and it really helps when paleoartists put time in to communicate paleobotany so other artists can improve their work. Big thanks to for her informative 2014 blog on DPF fossil plants

26 113

Labeled myology of the upper arm and parts of the scapula, since this was remarked on FB

0 19

A few close ups, this painting was a really good exercise in texture and lighting, as well as anatomy. Pretty well-developed M. humeroradialis in megaraptorans, which fits with an arm-based prey capture model - HR is less developed in raptors and absent in abelisaurids

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