

Designer, illustrator, convention artist, rhythm game enthusiast. One sick individual. I made that Monster Boy thing. She/Them. Bi/Ace. ENG|日本語OK

フォロー数:1739 フォロワー数:1402

This one.
I know I post it a lot, and it has its imperfections, but it means a lot to me. This is the kind of work I dreamed of making in my teens. Plus, it's an OC: something I made just for me, and my friends who care. It just makes me happy.
I want to make more like this.

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Thank you for this! I could use a timeline cleanse as well, haha.

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Thank you very much for this thread! 💕

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Also it's being featured under the Community tab of the Tapas comics app!!
ALSO also the comic has reached 100+ pages!!
Holy crap?! Thank you so much for your support!!

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❤️Happy Love Day!❤️
Please take this smattering of shippy art I've drawn over the past few years.
I hope you can spend this day with someone who makes you happy!💖

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AAAAA THANK YOU I doodled this as a treat to myself and couldn't find a better icon to use so why not aklsjd

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I updated MB's cover image!⭐️
Here's the old one for comparison. Between 2017 and 2023, Vex's eyes grew closer together, and Toby discovered hair conditioner LMAO

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The next Monster Boy comic update is scheduled for January 20th! Thank you for waiting! Here's an Ash dooble in the meantime. 💖

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My thoughts on Trigun Stampede episode one are as follows:

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