

Indie Game Fanatic,
Twitch Broadcaster & YouTube Creator
Part of the @Yogscast Team and Proud Father

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Myself & are back with some more building!

We've both got completed Journey Mode characters that make building so much fun! 🤩

🌈 Join us

8 305

Really like the new Hallowed Backgrounds in

11 347

I just cried for the first time ever on stream.

My community put together an amazing presentation in the form of an oldschool Terraria Map we used to play over 5 years ago & then a collection of art & wonderful comments from some our most beloved members of the community <3

21 810

We call that the quarantine look, we all be feeling that right now. But for real.. bring back the 'fro 👀

0 16

What time is it? I'm confused. I guess I'll start streaming 😇

Waifu Ada will be solo streaming on my channel later today, she's a sweet heart so make sure you check her out in a little while!

Boop -

0 116

Hello today is my 69th Month Partner Anniversary (5.5 Years)

Yes yes very important milestone.


1 95

Subathon battle is over! taps out after 23 hours! He had no idea what he was in for 😈

Thanks a lot guys for support us both, this was a memorable event and maybe we'll do it again sometime in the distant future!

Related image of Ravs' chat

1 284

Today we're getting back in to some 7 Days to Die, to spice things up I'm going to be testing out a Mod and a different play style.

Let's Die :) -

4 89