

Indie Game Fanatic,
Twitch Broadcaster & YouTube Creator
Part of the @Yogscast Team and Proud Father

フォロー数:907 フォロワー数:33209

Super excited for Slay the Spire's 4th character to drop, been addicted to this game for years!

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pedPega coming soon 🤭

is king

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Thanks u/redyns28 for the cute PO3 fanart. Charging into battle and instantly killing my horse to a lava ;_;

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If it makes you feel better whenever I see someone reading manga I just assume its some hentai shit

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All bad but long cat

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Massive shout-out to for this amazing piece of art! 😍😍

Check them out if you're looking to commission anything fancy!

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Updated the Subscriber icons for my stream! 👏

After becoming a 1 Year Subscriber you'll be reborn into a Golden Egg!

Then at 4 years you're reborn into the mighty Glacial Tier!

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Got files back, am happy

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Myself & are going live with Tuesday!! 👏

We're playing the Calamity Mod with a bunch of add ons & building specific houses for our NPC's! 👨‍🎨👩‍🎨

⭐️ Come hang! - ⬅️

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Forgot to post these images of mine and 's world so far from our Tuesday memes.

Its looking beautiful so far 😍😍

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