

A lady with her head in the clouds...


Sprites: Toi8 | @/toi81008
Icon & Header: picrew: shorturl.at/BMWZ9 / Official FGO Art

フォロー数:369 フォロワー数:483

"I think we and everyone watching should thank you! That was wonderful, Hijikata. I didn't want you to stop."

"Hearing the story from a beautiful figure only makes the garment all the more beautiful. Fufu, I feel overwhelmed. Especially with such a fine-"

"Moving on-" ⇩

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"A story that allows it to continue dazzling long after its prime. I have contacted the person suitable to tell the tale. Let us welcome him, Master."

"Our special guest!"

"Then without further ado, please welcome Hijikata Toshizō ( )." ⇩

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"Fabric choice plays an essential role no matter where one lives, Master. It is why linens are the shield to hot summers and fleece welcome in cold winters. Weaving the right design is of great importance into crafting the most dazzling piece. To do so requires inspiration." ⇩

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"You know, there are a lot of servants that come from all sorts of places in the world. Which means we get to see all sorts of different designs, fabrics, and more!"

"Indeed. Everyone shines so much with their brave figures... I cannot help be inspired. My creative urges...!"⇩

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// I also get a definitely valid excuse to write attractive women in witch hats interact with each other for development purposes and no other motivation ofc.

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// Now that it is written, I can explore plenty as she basically has 'summoned' herself. It will be very fun by being antagonistic and a bad influence that leads up to the development I am lookin' for.

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// Draws attractive older woman without the mask and leaves https://t.co/EH7QWKl27E

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// It is quiet so I post a sneaky Isabella

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Of course, it does. I'm a woman already wed to the thrill of adventure. Tragic, I know. Alas, a free spirit can't be tamed... https://t.co/zLRQ8UNbJM

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