

A lady with her head in the clouds...


Sprites: Toi8 | @/toi81008
Icon & Header: picrew: shorturl.at/BMWZ9 / Official FGO Art

フォロー数:369 フォロワー数:483

Such a beautiful work of art like this is created for the likes of us emperors to indulge. I approve of your taste following in my footsteps. It's only natural. My taste is the greatest! https://t.co/2PwXdyG1wZ

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The two exchange whispers while snooping around a certain council's meeting spot.

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* pushes Napoleon's big tiddied self aside *

If you have any inquiries about the whereabouts of my master, report to your beautiful and great emperor! It is I who will lead us to victory (not Napoleon)!

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destination where two familiar faces greet them. One is the fabled Norse hero they affectionately discussed. As for the other, it is the storyteller Isabella holds dear.

"Your emperor has returned! Come, welcome me with praise as I've retrieved our final member."


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"You!? You dare to usurp me from the role that belongs to me? Second-in-command!? I won't easily accept this. We shall let our performances determine who befits the role, but know I've always captured the heart of my audience. I could always use an equally minded assistant..." -

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"Yes! When I gazed at her, I felt my heart begin to take flight. She would easily have a place in my Rome." Nero, believing to be praised, enthusiastically nods her head. "What a glorious description! I like it. Continue to praise me more. It's only natural the one that should-"

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your tears. We must show the others the might and dependability of an emperor." That is the support she can offer him while somewhat masking her pain. As the two proceed to the cafeteria, Nero perks up at his question. "I knew you would ask! Do you want to know my wealth of-

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vanished. Slowly these lonesome footsteps make their way toward Isabella's room. There is no knock. The door abruptly opens with a single swing. Light reveals the perpetrator. "I grew tired of awaiting you! Come, fellow emperor, we have much to discuss in the dining hall."

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