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10/ The cab is shallow, leaving barely enough room for two passangers, the king and his driver. The axle is mounted at the back of the cab, giving the vehicle more stability
1/ T-20 of my Tutankhamun 100 day countdown: Today King on a leopard. #Egypt #Archaeology #Tutankhamun #history #Archaeology #Tutankhamen #Toutankhamon #Tutancâmon #Tutanchamun #توتعنخآمون #ancient #Tutankamón #ツタンカーメン #图坦卡蒙 #圖坦卡蒙 #Τουταγχαμών #тутанхамон #투탕카
Please follow my Tutankhamun 100 countdown #Gold #museum #archaeology #pharaoh #Egyptian #historical #Africa #art #ancienthistory #wonderful #Cairo #Kairo #travelEgypt #Egyptian #artwork #artifact #amazing #treasure #treasures #Egyptology #thisisEgypt #photography #masterpiece
8/ It depicts the sun-god Khepri as a scarab beetle with beetle's wings, but the legs & tail of a falcon. In this way it also represents Re-Horakhty, and perhaps the king himself as an avatar of the sun-god.
7/ monumental art hints that these chariot "solar disks" were often decorated with symblic scenes like this painted image of Ramesses II's chariot at the Battle of Kadesh with miniature scene of the king receiving a sword from Amun (right)
1/ If I hadn't become an Egyptologist, I would have studied dinosaur paleontology. My doctoral dissertation would have been "The Ecology of Crested Hadrosaurs from the Upper Cretaceous with Special Reference to Sexual Dimorphism in Lambeosaurus & Parasaurolophus."