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Please follow me for Tutankhamun 100 day countdown to anniversary of discovery of his tomb in 1922. Until November 4 #Toutankhamon #Tutancâmon #Tutanchamun #ツタンカーメン #圖坦卡蒙 #тутанхамон #투탕카 توت عنخ آمون# #Τουταγχαμών #Egypt #Egypte #Egipto #Egito Αίγυπτος #Ägypten
Theme for the 1st day of my Tutankhamun 100 anniversary countdown will be jewelry with sacred scarab beetle, a major symbol in Egyptian art & part of Tutankhamun's coronation name. #Tut100 #Tutankhamun #jewlery #Egypt #Archaeology #Ancient #Art #ancientart #Egyptology
15/ Iunmutef priest was chief priest of Pharaoh's cult. he wore side-lock of youth & leopard skin #Egyptology #Archaeology #History #ancienthistory #MythologyMonday #Egypt #Egipto #Egypte #Египет #Égypte #Ägypten #Egitto #Αίγυπτος #エジプト #मिस्र #埃及 #埃及 #이집트 #مصر
7/9 Even when paint survives, it doesn’t do justice to its original appearance. Imagine leaving the Mona Lisa out in the sun and rain for centuries! Compare this photo to Rosellini’s drawing #Rosellini #AbuSimbel #Egypt #Egyptianart #ancientart #WorldArt
1/4 My book tells the story of the Battle of Kadesh & chariot warfare in Late Bronze Age. Chariots were elite, high-tech vehicles. More like fighter jets than tanks. They were fragile and "high maintenance #Egyptology #Hittites #chariot #ancientwar #militaryhistory #Archaeology
My upcoming book on Ramesses II includes a chapter on the famous Battle of Kadesh against the Hittites. Who won? Read and find out. My editor is a Hittiteologist. No Hittites harmed in making of my book #Egyptology #Hittites #Kadesh #ancienthistory #battles #militaryhistory