

I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody. Instead of a bum, which is what I am, let’s face it.

フォロー数:1105 フォロワー数:4231

September 30 / October 1

4 23

Just because it’s Gritty’s birthday

0 4

Taking some stuff out of frames that I need for other stuff and making you look at some of the now-unframed stuff for no reason

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Doesn’t have to be anything commercial. If you wanted to commission a painting that would be a fun surprise.

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Anyway today I went to the art institute to look at a room full of printed out paintings David Hockney did on his iPad. None of my iPad paintings will ever be in museums but I can trick you into looking at them here sometimes so here I go again.

2 10

Let’s try a mildly chaotic palette why not

1 17

Someone said Swordtember

1 0

My only criticism of this thread is you didn’t say anything about my boy

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