

I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody. Instead of a bum, which is what I am, let’s face it.

フォロー数:1105 フォロワー数:4231

Happy Bastille Day and Woody Guthrie’s birthday to everyone except the royalists and fascists

29 71

Just dry enough to scan

0 3

Catching up on painting scanning…

0 1

Please join me in observing National Hot Dog Month



3 7

Probably going to leave this poor kid alone now. I think this came out pretty interesting but I’m sure it’s too creepy for anyone to actually want around.

1 8

✨Forbidden Magic✨ Another new release I drew a picture on! This sounds like something that would make for good summer drinking.

1 11

Scanned some birbs

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