@picpak.bsky.social on Bluesky!さんのプロフィール画像

@picpak.bsky.social on Bluesky!さんのイラストまとめ

14 years is a good run, but it's time to leave for greener pastures. Follow me on Bluesky (in my username), or @picpak/@picpakdog everywhere else.

フォロー数:1708 フォロワー数:2760

Never forget to label your boxes. It's 's monthly sketch!

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In honour of 's upcoming Kickstarter, Beware of Toddler is this month's sketch!

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Paws, Inc. has a dedicated colourist. He literally has one job...

6 57

At this point I'm pretty happy with how most of my work turns out. The exceptions are when I haven't drawn in a while and things like the lettering isn't quite as snappy, as seen here (yes, I fixed the spelling mistake!)

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I wouldn't say I "ruined" it, but overthinking the design of the customer service centre and making it resemble a movie theatre threw readers off.

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Wouldn't you believe it?! Today is annual Loon Day! XD

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This is a recent strip I thought of running past someone to ensure most people would get it. Recursion isn't a term used much outside of programming. I couldn't ask Jon, because this comic originated from a tweet with him! XD

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I never heard this expression before; I thought it was literally referring to a hard game of Scrabble.

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I remember someone telling me this comic was controversial; that wasn't really my intent. It was more of a send-up on people who are hardcore fans.

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This is a birthday sketch for , but given its subject matter, it feels like it's more for ! XD

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