

Drawing is a hobby of mine.

My main account is @CapricornAurora. Icon made by @buizelbub.

He/Them - genderfluid

フォロー数:211 フォロワー数:388

<crab dance>

And I feel like sharing this again. Happy 2020 to you Yark! :D

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I made a dumb edit to a post @ noc_loft shared with me. XD

So how scary would it be if you saw a frog just charge at you at full force? All you get is just a few seconds of "plat plat plat" before they get you. :P

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"If there is one thing I think is universal for all alien life, it would merriment. Whether you are human, anuran, or something else, I think we can all enjoy some festivities. So let's make this a fun time to celebrate!"

To everyone; Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

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Two Anurans enjoying their stroll through this quiet river town. They stop for a bit to greet each other.

Wanted to try a different idea of the alien setting; a developed town. So far I've done farmlands and cities, but not much for the suburbs.

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Nectcargo visited Galar for the first time and discovered some new friends. They aren't quite sure how to help these new ice worms. Meanwhile, the apple dragon gives this honey slug some conflicting feelings.

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Boltund has quickly grown to be my favorite pokemon from Gen 8 and probably up there in my top 6 now. So, of course, I wanted to make an OC for them.

Working on the concept. I'm leaning on the idea of a Boltund that enjoys playing video games... and shorts them out by accident.

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"After a Bovyri completes their harvest, you might find them being a bit defensive of their bounty. It's best to give them the largest of the fruits as a reward for their hard work."

And here's the redo pic of Bovyri. I explored a bit on their role as a cattle alien.

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"I used to live in the deeper seas of Aulazen. I didn't really do a whole lot until I heard about some blue alien visitors. They showed some aquatic lifeforms on their planet and... well, I just wanted to learn more!"

Here be Chlo discovering her love for marine life.

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"When the year comes to an end on Hygron, the florescent trees give off a wonderful violet glow for days on end. We Anurans would then spend some nights with our pod families exchanging gifts, treats, and memories of what made our year while around these trees."

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Here is a birthday doodle for with some of his favorite pokemon. Bruizel is an adroable pokemon to draw and any excuse to draw Snom is a blessing.

Happy cake day Wingu you fantastic person! :D

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