Dante Pixels 🇧🇷さんのプロフィール画像

Dante Pixels 🇧🇷さんのイラストまとめ

Level 23 - Pixel Artist!
Itchio: dantepixels.itch.io
Discord: Riquerael#3821

Working at: @StarfishStudios



フォロー数:349 フォロワー数:7194

Eu recomendo uma cor base com a mesma intensidade do cristal. Geralmente pra backlight eu uso cores bem mais escuras e de-saturadas, mas pra algo que brilha eu faria algo dessa forma. Separaria uma face do cristal pra um roxo/rosa e colocaria uma highlight, mas com cores sutils.

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That's not a dagger size, the blade of the sword continues beneath the water.

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For sure! the "flame" it's actually a really hot blade, and eventually the wax will melt. It should look like this without the wax!

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Outline atualmente eu to usando cores que fazem relação com oque está no sprite, geralmente com a saturação bem alta e deixando sempre bem escura como marrom, azul escuro, roxo e por aí vai. Mas depende muito do Ícone que eu estou fazendo

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I mean, It doesn't have any secret. 16x16 It's really small. So you can't like have a lot of complex stuff going on. I already talked to you about that, the shapes are boring, what makes your 16x16 Icons better it's how you paint them.

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I was doing some test while creating the assets, And I really liked using high saturated colors for the outline. Try it and see if you like it!

In some items may not look good, but it's worth a shot!

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That's why I think it's mind-blowing, Because all of the asset in this game by the time it's everything like this one, If it was only in this cave entrance i wouldn't bother. But caves asset it's crazy aswell. It's so good too!

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I thought about that too, some of them could be, what it's strange that some of then repeat in the same 32x32 spacing in different combinations with the main asset.

It's possible to see a little bit inside the squares, some of them change a lot with some kind of pattern.

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Like this, they complement the main set of rocks in the tileset and some of these come to complement the main asset, at least it's the way i see it. I would like to study more about tilesets aswell!

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