

🐵 Gorillaz I guess??? || Art || BLM || tumblr:plasticoglowz || minor || dni if you’re anti Semitic, lgbtq, blm, pro maga, exclus, pro ship || 🐵

フォロー数:101 フォロワー数:625

Making you all look at them

0 7

I literally haven’t drawn in so long good god </3 but. Do I even have an artstyle bhsjdnn

0 19

Why is his whole face pink. Is that supposed to be flesh? What the fuck are you

3 9

Literally never noticed Ace has a Daffy tattoo wtf

3 59

Happy Birthday Humanz my beloved!!! I only have old art to offer for today 🥲

16 95

Donald misogynist moment???? 🤭

1 24

Good god when the roast beast hits

3 69