

🐵 Gorillaz I guess??? || Art || BLM || tumblr:plasticoglowz || minor || dni if you’re anti Semitic, lgbtq, blm, pro maga, exclus, pro ship || 🐵

フォロー数:99 フォロワー数:618

I don’t know what compelled me to draw this but. take it.

22 150

Feel like pure shit just want them to be evil friends again </3

22 114

Alternatively thinking about how this is like the same thing but 15 years later 🥲

1 10

Testing that cropping problem with that’s been sitting in my folder for a bit

4 36

Hi I don’t do commissions yet but instead of giving gorillaz your money you can support a digital fan artist for free :)

86 492

tried posting this the other day and it cropped bad 🙃 anyways Noodle my beloved

12 52