

⸬⸫⸫⁘⸪⸫⸫⁘⸫⁘⸭⸬⸫⁘⁎⁘⁘⸫⸬⁑⸬@klondk⸬⸫⁘⁎⁙⸬⁘⁘⁎⸫⸫⸪․⸫‧ ‧‧⸪⸬⁘⁘⸫⸫⸭⁙⸬vignettesga.me // nuts.game⸪⸪⁙⸭․⁙⁘․⁎⁘⁘⸫⁎⸫⁘⸪⸪⁘⁑⸫․⸭⸫⸫‧⸫‧⁘

フォロー数:653 フォロワー数:5009

clicky!!! here!!!!!!!

6 61

i made this cute pocket knife and now i want it irl

11 102

i'm really bad at assessing my own progress so here's a self-serving "actually,,, i am better at stuff now" post

13 148

[tw blood] i posted a few gifs & words about a project i won't be working on anymore https://t.co/1PLyzf4JfU

23 91

come chill in the now final version of ƚƨɘw oƚ - https://t.co/GDCu8PsL2G ⌛⌛⌛

21 62