

⸬⸫⸫⁘⸪⸫⸫⁘⸫⁘⸭⸬⸫⁘⁎⁘⁘⸫⸬⁑⸬@klondk⸬⸫⁘⁎⁙⸬⁘⁘⁎⸫⸫⸪․⸫‧ ‧‧⸪⸬⁘⁘⸫⸫⸭⁙⸬vignettesga.me // nuts.game⸪⸪⁙⸭․⁙⁘․⁎⁘⁘⸫⁎⸫⁘⸪⸪⁘⁑⸫․⸭⸫⸫‧⸫‧⁘

フォロー数:653 フォロワー数:5009

11 - elegant (my swords are all elegant what am i supposed to DO)

3 31

sword of thorns for 10

5 44

stayed up too late to finish sword 4 - duel! goodnight!!

1 26

a recurring series

0 43

excellent time conjuring the shapes tonight

0 16

only propped this up to check that the database was still working after i torpedoed and reset a bunch of settings on my website but hey nice window and background combo

1 24

fuck it patron saint on roller blades

2 13