

👾 Art director @LudogramGames
🏆Pinball Fan
💾 Unity Asset publisher


フォロー数:1014 フォロワー数:2433

My fanart of
STEP 2 : Greyscale

MEH :/

1 11

Stop spoiling
Instead create epic battles with this 60 FREE characters and chosse yourself who gonna win :V
Forest tribes?
Village tribes ?
Castle tribes ?
Sea tribes ?

The packs -> https://t.co/xIj385YjPj

4 13

MERCI ! 9000 de mes personnages ont été téléchargé ce mois ci sur ! En éspérant qu'ils vous ont apporté fun et plaisir 🕹️📺💕
THANK YOU ! 9000 of my characters were downloaded this month on ! Hoping that they have brought you fun and pleasure 💖💾

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Old researches with and other collaborators for
Follow the game design production : https://t.co/qtplSMcLgp

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Created with love💖 and lot of desire

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10 ans bientôt, un de mes 1ers chantiers sur le jeu. Je me sens vieux con =).

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I am fan, I try to making Art, this is =)

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Please don't ask me why i do that. It's just friday, that's all.

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Freshy Home made Fan Art !!! When looking for the and met in Flee Link!!!

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