

Palestine has the right to exist.

23 MtF

Moving -…

フォロー数:1870 フォロワー数:675

For an example, this is a grenade.

It's a pumpkin spice latte that you throw at your enemies with the intent to kill them.

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(5/5) Mari is a gifted alchemist that was left for dead multiple times. She has come back stronger each time. Her ego is only rivaled by her distaste for humans. She is nurturing, but can be exceedingly cruel to people that endanger her family or friends.

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(4/5) Maddie is a bit of a wild card. Four arm, a lot of muscle, and a short temper. She can be the nicest person you know one minute then knock you out cold the next. She's very insecure about her appearance and usually can be found getting into brawls.

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(3/5) Clanger is one of Behr's best friends, has an over active imagination, and enjoys RPGs a little too much. He has adopted the persona of a Kenku, speaking in broken squawky English. Though him being the owner of the only game store in town, this act suits him very well.

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Hey all, I'm doing a weight gain drive, please be gentle, I'm a bit embarrassed that I need to do this for rent >////<

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