

Just your typical Aussie :) Registered Nurse, Part time Streamer. Focusing on creating a place to chill and escape daily drama. #RoyalCourt

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# paxaus

Thanks dude. That was nice to hear :D

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Massive thank to for making a MISAH HUG! i love her artwork if you need anything done i highly recommend!

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I had an awesome time at was great seeing old friends and meeting new friends. I can't wait to see what next year brings and to see you all again. Thanks for all the hugs your all amazing people. Also shout out to and communitys.

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Of course another cocktail

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Never to early for a cocktail

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will totally have to catch up and say hi! get your Hype face on

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Hair clip made so pretty

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Massive thanks to for the image ontop of the panel it looks amazing!

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Thanks to for my awesome 5 new Panels. If your looking for an artist i highly recommend her!

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