

Just your typical Aussie :) Registered Nurse, Part time Streamer. Focusing on creating a place to chill and escape daily drama. #RoyalCourt

フォロー数:365 フォロワー数:669

Im Live! but some where different.
find me on the page playing shadow of mordor

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Still sick but i feel well enough for games so lets get this stream happening

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omg omg omg omg i want NOWWWWW! YASSSSSSSSS

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massive thanks to for these cute new emotes! Highly recommenced if you need emotes done. I love them <3

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What a beautiful sun set

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im sooo tired i think ima have to TRY and nap today or il fall sleep during stream

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Who needs Bali or Fiji when you have this In your backyard.

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massive thanks to for the commission made, princess zelda made into me :D awesome work <3

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