

Graphic design student, freelance artist, and gradually replacing by blood with espresso one cup at a time.

フォロー数:304 フォロワー数:32

Say no more fam. I call it a Yitharian Sea Sparrow

5 47

Drew someone's late best friend.

1 3

A portrait of u/burn_brighter18

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Drew someone's beloved cat.

2 2

Colored my botfly dwarf martial artist.

2 1

Some townsfolk believe they are the spirits of those who lost their significant others to the sea. Some believe that they were the lost messages in broken bottles.

Everyone in town knows why you should just speculate rather than ask them what they truly are.

3 1

After drawing the witch girl, I still had some time to draw this swashbuckling little pirate preparing to sail the twenty seas with her faithful gorgon companion.

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