Questiary - Illustrated Monsters for 5Eさんのプロフィール画像

Questiary - Illustrated Monsters for 5Eさんのイラストまとめ

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フォロー数:62 フォロワー数:1107

The angry spirits of those who otherwise had unfinished business can prove to be quite the nuisance to those still living, especially on the Feygloam. The yureiko, a fickle fey who resembles a stocky, muscular human with the head of a shark, helps to address this problem.

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Tanuki are mischievous fey who physically resemble a mix between a raccoon and a small dog. Tanuki have a jolly disposition and disproportionately large testicles that make them appear comical and non-threatening.

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Kikutengu are mischievous and violent fey with humanoid, avian, and monkey characteristics. They have red skin, long pointed noses, clawed feet, and wings that allow them to fly at great speeds.

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Kikuonis are a particular type of oni native to the Feygloam. Kikuonis have reddish-pink skin, sharp fangs that protrude past their lips, black horns that sprout from the top of their skulls, and long, ghostly-white hair that falls over their shoulders.

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Shunobon are master manipulators and solitary orchestrators of psychological horror. In their true forms, shunobons have bright-red skin and disproportionately large heads, with a single central eye and a toothy maw that extends entirely from one side of their faces to the other.

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Kikuharionago are insidious fey creatures that can shapeshift in a limited and consistent capacity; they always appear as beautiful humanoid men or women with long, flowing black hair.

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Parents tell scary stories to their children about Eshes, the Minstrel of Bleak Fancy. As the tale is often told, Eshes was and is a rat catcher, who lured the plague-ridden pests away from the village with the pleasing melodies of his magical pipe.

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Worshippers form the lower ranks of churches, temples, cults or other similar religious organizations. They may come from all walks of life and are united in their shared belief of a particular deity or deities.

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Angst warblers are small birds native to the Plane of Shadow with breasts that give off an eerie turquoise glow, making them one of the only sources of color within the otherwise grey and gloomy plane. Though their appearance can be alluring, their song is repellant.

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Greybairns are the spirits of perished children that have been touched by the Plane of Shadow, and therefore remain there in death.

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