Questiary - Illustrated Monsters for 5Eさんのプロフィール画像

Questiary - Illustrated Monsters for 5Eさんのイラストまとめ

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フォロー数:62 フォロワー数:1117

A halfling that becomes lost and dies in the Plane of Shadow turns into a grievian, doomed to suffer a grey and emotionless existence. The form of a grevian twists over time the longer they spend in the plane; the oldest grievians look the least like their former selves.

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A sullspera is a small, mosquito-like insect native to the Plane of Shadow. Like mosquitos, sullsperas sustain themselves on the blood of other living creatures.

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Though Boulderhead maintains a healthy fear of the gods, he is not a particularly religious man. Recently, there has been a growing religious sub-faction within the Broken Blade called the Iron Contingent.

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Worshippers form the lower ranks of churches, temples, cults or other similar religious organizations. They may come from all walks of life and are united in their shared belief of a particular deity or deities. Worshippers may have magical powers influenced by their beliefs.

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Ruffians are common criminals carrying out thievery, looting, and other general thuggery to further their own interests. They operate in groups that vary in size and typically follow the orders of whoever has currently established themselves as the most capable.

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Patricians are among the most distinguished of the nobility and upper class, and often act as the heads of houses or powerful factions. In cities, almost all activity occurs under the purview of one patrician or another.

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Mercenaries are skilled fighters that offer their services to the highest bidder. Usually veterans of multiple wars, mercenaries often have no issue switching sides during a single conflict if the coin justifies it.

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Slayers are skilled in all manner of delivering death to their victims, be it through poison, a blade, or an unfortunate accident. Some of these assassins work on a purely freelance basis, while others develop loyalty to specific groups or individuals.

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Within the city of Dis in the Eleven Hells is the great infernal prison of Moliri. Prisoners of all sorts are kept here, from living mortals captured within the Hells to the doomed souls of the dead that now languish in eternal fires of punishment.

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The featherless ones resemble featherless owls the size of elephants, with disproportionately long legs and small, ineffective wings that render them incapable of flying. Instead, featherless ones can run at great speeds and leap dozens of feet in single bounds.

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