

Papá . Concept artist for games. Drawing Comics in the shadows. FAN de los chistes bobos. 🇵🇷

フォロー数:3622 フォロワー数:6557

It’s ?! Here’s some past fanart, plus some recent x mashup!

11 71

Something recent-ish.

13 202

WEpA! de Puerto Rico! I’m concept artist working on games :)

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Been trying to squeeze time to learn zbrush and blender for some time now. My brain feels like it’s gonna pop, but it’s been very rewarding!

9 100

Here are some studies before jumping into the illustration. Plus an alt version of it.

6 64

Something from the gut...

10 131

I recently posted some images for a personal fantasy project based on culture, and asthetic... here are some more pieces.

59 329