

gnome enthusiast


フォロー数:120 フォロワー数:206

Assorted dumb loser gnomes as requested

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Thinking about what Mimiron might have looked like as a titan keeper

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Profile pic was almost a year and a half old at this point, so figured I'd do a redraw.

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emet-selch but epic

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30-minute sketch to try and get the hang of speeding up my workflow

(how glib)

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I would like to speak to the CEO of retopology

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Putting some ideas together for my worldbuilding project, here's my take on mushroom people.

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Haven't been posting enough art lately because I've been a bit busy, but here's my mage Azuri being appropriately wintry.

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I just noticed that Wowhead's model viewer shows this player nightborne face as having properly narrow eyes, but it still looks like a night elf face ingame. Has this always been a thing that was just never implemented, or what?

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I'd love to see draenei get something inspired by the old TBC concept art, with the head, shoulders and colour scheme matching pre-Sargeras Archimonde's armour.

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