Renato Rivera Rusca (レナト・リベラ・ルスカ)さんのプロフィール画像

Renato Rivera Rusca (レナト・リベラ・ルスカ)さんのイラストまとめ

🇵🇪 🇬🇧 🗾🇮🇹 Producer of international animation projects; University Lecturer/ Researcher/Writer/Illustrator; *JP/EN/ES/It?/Fr?* 国際合作プロデューサー;研究者・ライター・講師;絵画…

フォロー数:2321 フォロワー数:2766

去年描いた絵の下描きラフ見つけたけど、エキセドルとブリタイも描く気満々だったこと忘れてた Huh, I just found the original sketch which I based this coloured illustration from last year on, and I had forgotten that I originally planned to include Britai and Exedol on either side..!

6 18

落書き ミレーヌはいまいち
Doodle... Not sure about that Mylene.

11 38

ようやく完成。妹が気に入ってくれると良いな。 Done! Hope she likes it

5 22

Apparently, the "new" movies are on NHK now... Here's a pic I drew a while back for , showing the real guy pulling all the strings. (I still need to draw more)

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