

Hi my name is Will and I like making pictures #bookofspook, #haunted_collective, #inventedmonster, #monstererfinden, #kleinekunstklasse

フォロー数:552 フォロワー数:501

There’s free-range then there’s caught in the wild..
Prompt 41 Inktober 52: Teeth

5 30

Aaron the acrophobic arachnophobe was having one of those days..
Happy everyone

20 72

So prompt 40:

The Thursday prompts of the
‘o-fish-al’ list are the Inktober 52 weekly prompts... talk about messy 😆

8 33

Saw this thing and thought I’d jump in 😆

7 23

Attention! Day 30 and here’s a thanks to everyone that’s liked, retweeted and followed me during
I did 22 of the prompts and 27 pics and your responses have been amazing 😻
Thank you again

12 45

27: Tiny.. everything looks tiny when you’re this high!

You asked for it 😂 an impromptu Cat-loon

9 35

Inktober 52 prompt 38: Hats
Cheeky Egg!
Jaunty Jan from my this year was not happy at all!

7 31

24: Under Surveillance / Observation
Looks like the game of hide and seek is still on... 😆
Hope today’s three make up for not doing any the last couple of days

13 41

Tag 21: Hide and Seek
Looks like Crafty the Cucumber is going to get his comeuppance for sneaking up on cats 😹

14 55