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These 4 together in an idol group would be #anipoke's best recreation of the KPOP phenomenon
Sato-King vs. Ryme in a rap battle is something I would very much like to see
How funny would it be if Ash goes all petty and re-challenges every Pokemon League that he lost in?
At least I think he should challenge Lance for the position of Indigo Plateau Champion, just so he'll also represent his home region
Credits as always to who drew this
He saw. He aimed. He conquered
#anipoke #WorldChampionAsh
Before #WorldAshKetchumDay ends, I just want to say that Ash, you've been one of the best examples of that never say die, try again till you succeed mindset
And now that you're winning, it just makes it all the more sweeter. Hope that you'll be the new Monarch soon!
"Fries and a burger please. Oh wait, just the fries. This first match will be over quick" 💀
#anipoke #MastersTournament
Should Iris ever bring a Mega to the M8, would love to see her have either:
- Salamence, since she has it in her champion team in B2W2
- Garchomp, since her Gible could have evolved into one by now
Also allows her to battle on even terms with the rest of the M8