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DuskyThrush painted yday: only seen for 3 mins in 4.5 hrs. Note flecks of drizzle in drying paint @RareBirdAlertUK thankyou @dukesbarnbeeley
Finally, the last of the magic from @portlandbirdobs Stunning views of Raven family! Still need to finish pics off.
Backlog... 2Ravens [need to fix right bird] mobbing Honey Buzzard I saw fly in off sea @PortlandBirdObs a wk ago Fri
Views of Western OrTurtleDove in Kent & 10BwStilts @RSPB_SouthEast PulboroughBrooks res #MayChallenge sketching Day2
Epic cycling tick for @sconebirding listing in lycra at Grimes Graves yday! ;-)
Field sketch, GtGreyShrike, Grimes Graves Norfolk, last night. 3/3 Even heard singing! @RareBirdAlertUK
Field sketch, GtGreyShrike, Grimes Graves Norfolk, last night. 1/3
So relieved re-find the Serin y'day after it'd been flushed by a photographer. Great bird!
Struggling w Teal agn when this Bittern appeared @SWTLackfordLake Steggals; happy to get a painting, this 1s ok :-)