mars | inactiveさんのプロフィール画像

mars | inactiveさんのイラストまとめ


フォロー数:121 フォロワー数:4814

A pear shaped Sully from Fire Em//blem for my bf

24 140



totally not getting fatter not at all

25 182



ill be real with y’all I’ve never drawn room filling sizes before so uhhhh YEAH this is a first for me i hope y’all like it

91 645

hehe starting a Casper wg sequence after he lost a bunch of weight when he got with rachel he SURELY wouldn’t put all that weight back on plus more…………….

33 264

Sorry for the lack of posts; I’ve been working on commissions and it’s been too hot to draw

In the meantime, have a ‘how big would Casper get if Rachel was a feeder too’ sketch >:)

52 417

The pros of working in fast food - free food
The cons of working in fast food - extra inches on the waistline (but really, that’s also a pro!)

28 236