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Alex Horley-Orlandelli. Aven Envoy. Bird Soldier. From Magic The Gathering: Legions. Their grieving faces tell far more than a list of casualties ever could. #AlexHorleyOrlandelli #bird #envoy #Legions #MagicTheGathering
Quinton Hoover. Adarkar Unicorn. From Magic The Gathering: Ice Age. "There is no nobler creature in all of Terisiare." General Jarkeld, the Arctic Fox. #QuintonHoover #unicorn #IceAge #MagicTheGathering
Dan Frazier. Apprentice Wizard. From Magic The Gathering Fourth Edition. #DanFrazier #apprentice #Wizard #MagicTheGathering
John Boyd, The Rakehells of Heaven, Penguin, 1978. Cover: Peter Cross. #BookCover #JohnBoyd #PeterCross #Penguin #rakehells #heaven
Monte Michael Moore. Aphetto Dredging. Zombie Frog Beast. From Magic The Gathering: Onslaught. "Phage became both executioner and savior, helping others to the same rebirth she had found." #MonteMichaelMoore #Apheto #dredging #Onslaught #MagicTheGathering
Christpher Rush. Abbey Gargoyles. From Magic The Gathering: Homelands. #ChrisopherRush #AbbeyGargoyles #MagicTheGathering #creature #gargoyle
Cesare Reggiani. From one of Caldwell's Galactic Encounters volumes. Cover art for A. E. van Vogt, Colosso anarchico [The Anarchistic Colossus], Editrice Nord, 1979. #CesareReggiani #art #illustration