

looking for work
email : [email protected]
Slowly getting better with each piece

フォロー数:671 フォロワー数:212

I'm Blake and I mainly paint illustrations,also looking for freelance or fulltime work.

2 7

I like drawing splash art like stuff and rendering lil wip in there

4 11

Hey I'm Blake, I mainly focus on illustration work. I definitely really enjoy painting fantasy settings. Here are 3 of my latest works and a wip of my current one

2 5

1st and 2nd pass of some thumbnails, got a nice PO too that I'll work with tomorrow.

2 3

I make illustrations, mainly splash art type stuff

4 10

Finished my dark magic submission for the ,was tough not going completely ham on rendering with a short deadline

1 19

some design sketches

1 8

practicin values with miss fortune

11 31