Data Ravelさんのプロフィール画像

Data Ravelさんのイラストまとめ

I want to share my love for the world of Digimon with everyone, showing everything I know about it. PT-BR/EN. You can support me at

フォロー数:234 フォロワー数:6914

The myth that I saw about Armamon said that "Armamon is a Digimon created by Barbamon using the bodies of the other Weapon Digimon that lived in the LS-tou Zone in order to rule the DW". Completely wrong and totally turns Armamon is a fabricated puppet, far from the truth.

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I know some people that will not like what Megidramon says in SXW

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These moments are happening more and more now in my boss fights

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Also, even thought you can't access the main webpage anymore, the other pages of some of the websites are still online. So although you can't access the main page of World X, you can still access the Game and World pages.

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Now returning to the place of its creation, Andromon calls up for its brotherhood to start a revolution. Using this Demon Beast, even destroying the world itself wouldn't be hard.

The Crusaders needs to stop Andromon, the Demon Beast and destroy this "perfect research".

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In a certain laboratory, there was an Andromon who was constantly seeking perfection. And now, the results of that research of perfection have come to light. The name was Milleniummon. The perfect Demon Beat was born.

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Sleipmon, one of the Royal Knights that protects Yggdrasil directly, appears and a big fight between entities with god-like power, that can be called the "Twilight of Gods" (神々の黄昏) would start.

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In Digimon Crusader a battle between god-like beings that went beyond myths started in the Dark Area. Anubimon who wasn't happy only ruling the Dark Area, decided to take over the Digital World.

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Of course this isn't always the case. There are different levels that a Digimon can be destroyed. In some cases, the defeated Digimon releases a Digitama right after its defeat. So the Digimon can be reborn again.

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