Ravinder Singhさんのプロフィール画像

Ravinder Singhさんのイラストまとめ

PhD, Biochemistry.

Interested in Science, Arts, Poetry and the force that drives all this.

フォロー数:4718 フォロワー数:4464

It matters not if life throws curve balls, I shall never say never, shall never give up the ship, for our love is of paramount concern.
A look from thee is more than any you're truly in a of your own, without thee I'm lost at sea, I've nowhere to turn.


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You're gone and I can't as if nothing has happened, for my whole world has turned upside down, I know not what to do.
And I can't really stop loving you, can't go against the your absence is killing me, it seems everything else has lost its value.


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me not with those stony looks, is it such an egregious sin to fall in love?
Is this desolate world bereft of compassion?
And the world knows not what it's missing by saying no to the life-giving love, by rejecting its lifeline in such a belligerent fashion.


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I give not little when I give of my love, how can it be broken down in parts?
And what is love if not a complete merger of hearts?
I can't withhold my love, for if withheld it stifles the soul.
Without thee my heart sings notes, thy love is my only goal.


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My heart is but an old my awareness its needle that's stuck in the groove of singing thy praises, I'm a broken record lost in thy beauty supreme.
And my heart grows not weary when I repeat the same words, for you're my only reality, my cherished dream.


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And I hungered for
her love like a bee unsated
craves for a drop of nectar.
Oblivious, that my love wouldn't be reciprocated.
by love, I keep aflame this torch of unrequited feelings,
Will I forever remain a jinxed lover?
Star-crossed and ill-fated?


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I know you love this guy, fair lady, I know deep down you badly ache for me,
a priori assumptions I don't make.
Deny not yourself the joy of love, repress not the echoes that resound through thy heart, oh, don't bottle up your desires, for pity's sake!


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Saddened by the world
I have come to thee
for I know your love shall transmute my pain into boundless glee.
As I behold thy smile
relentless waves of joy drift through my heart.
Ah, I adore thy impassioned glance, I bow unto its prodigious art.

Ravinder Singh

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A joy that can never cloy,
that's glorious beyond measure,
indestructible and inexpressible, my heart yearns for that eternal treasure.
So I hold fast to your ambrosial name for that's the way and the light.
Pray, your name is my only support, I seek it day and night.


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It's an inhospitable place, this samsara, here the souls are enticed by duality, befuddled by ignorance and singed by hellish, raging fires.
They flit from one trouble to another, finding not any lasting joy, ensnared by their delusions they forever burn with desires.


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