

🔞 🏳️‍🌈 Big fluffy yeen here to bite and give uppies!
PFP made by @Kganya

フォロー数:621 フォロワー数:502

we had some super doodle fun on tonight's stream!!! I love how these turned out so much but I still gotta color anime girl Lunar haha<3

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Just finished this frigid little cutie for !!! Meet Bon Frost!! A cold cutie with a heart as warm as his tail is fuzzy!

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Finally finished some fan art of today! man this was an absolute blast to draw and I'm so happy with how it turned out!!!

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A lil doodle I made of during their stream today OwO

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Cursed? Image drawn on last nights stream!
Meet Jack'd the himbo cat man, he enjoys keratein and slaying gods. He also is excellent with after-care!

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As of today we have a new channel redeem for requested stream doodles!!!

Here are today's beautiful creations!

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I drew the best boy today!!! He's so cute and I wuv him <3

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Had to draw my little baby, had this caption in mind while making the background!

-When the anxiety hits *just* right-

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Thank you to everyone so much! I love this community that we have begun to create and I love all of you so much.

Please expect a celebration stream on Saturday as well as more announcements to come!🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

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Made a new emote with chat today <3 inspiration 1st emote 2nd! Love you guys

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