

Based in Scotland, standing up against the injustice and lunacy of British wind energy policy
and laughing at those who implement it.
War is declared

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Subsidy Sam, a satire for adults. Sam went round the world, time and again, enlightening as he travelled. Ms Ward was asked to write a children's book and along came Tiny, and then Dixie to highlight the plight of marine life. Sam can be read here:

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Kudos to Miss Lumley for caring for our marine life. S.W.A.T. you're right. We were granted an exclusive on the third in a trilogy written by Lyndsey Ward, artwork by . This is the 3rd - Dixie the Dolphin. The book can be read here:

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Exclusive to WEA. The third of the trilogy, Dixie the Dolphin, from Lyndsey Ward and . As Subsidy Sam and Tiny the Turbine counteracted onshore indoctrination of children, Dixie does the same for offshore

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Wales - Lonely Planet - 'is hills that make the heart sing'

The Welsh Government shamefully intends to put a whole new interpretation on the song 'We'll keep a welcome in the hillsides'

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Meme now reserved for Community (so-called) Windpower, steamrollering its way through D & G and the Borders, but having been flattened itself by the judiciary

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Windy Swag - empowered by the Scottish Government, propped up by their patsy Greens - enjoyed by rich foreign multinationals at consumer expense. Get angry; get funded; get professional help and keep fighting.

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We have never, ever had to leave a post pinned to our fb page for so long as it's still being shared and commented upon. Birds can't speak for themselves, but we can speak up for them.

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An exclusive, sent to us by a WEA supporter. Click on pic to see poem

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Indeed! Subsidy Sam should be required reading by all politicians

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